Core Financial Principles
Local church first
- We urge everyone to give first to their local church and to the poor before giving to Broken Strength.
- All donations to Broken Strength will be receipted.
Full Disclosure
- We believe in full disclosure at all times. Our financial reports are available to anyone upon request.
Communication of Needs
- We will communicate our financial needs to our constituents as clearly and as truthfully as possible.
Mailing Lists
- Broken Strength will not give, sell, or rent our donor or mailing lists to any person or organization.
Annual review
- Our financial records will be reviewed annually and available for inspection to any person who requests them.
God’s Leadership and Provision
- We believe our ministry is led by God and will either thrive or end based on His sovereign plan. We will work hard but rest well knowing that God always does what is good and right and holy.