Irv “Sarge” Woolf
by Elsie Woolf
As a pastor, Irv felt led to focus on the sexual sin that was invading marriages and
churches. When he entered his doctrinal studies at Denver Seminary in 1999, Irv had
done much pastoral and marital counseling of men and couples regarding this issue.
When people came to him for pastoral counseling, sexual sin was often at the heart of
the problem. Men thought they could hide their sin but seldom could.
Sexual sin is like cancer. It cannot be hidden for long and cannot be won without help
and support. Graduating from Denver Seminary in 2006 with a Doctor of Ministry
Degree, Irv established the National Coalition For Purity. He also wrote two books on
the topic in the years that followed – The Power of Purity and The Purity of the Bride of
Christ. Having served in the Air Force, he understood the importance of discipline and
structure in the life of a good soldier. The fight for sexual purity among God’s people is,
indeed, a battle against an evil invader. Believers walk through minefields of sexual
temptation daily.
Sexual sinners and addicts always think they can stop on their own with sheer
willpower. No, they cannot. The consensus among professional counselors, as well as
our own counseling experience, told us that it is not possible. This is a unique addiction
with long tentacles. Group support and accountability is required as well as professional
assessment and treatment. Irv compared it to alcohol addiction and the process
necessary to overcome it.
I got to know Dr Irv Woolf and his wife Elsie through counseling with them both with my
wife over a period of several months a few years ago. They both were a gift from God to
help save our marriage and bring my wife and I closer in our relationship to each other
and the Lord. Dr Irv’s purity program for men that he founded, helped me after
counseling to continue my growth as a man to honor God and my wife by dealing with
my sexual sin. I am forever grateful to Dr. Irv for his dedication in developing a
successful sexual purity program for men that God used to change my life. I’m even
more grateful to him for his authentic life of purity and integrity in his marriage to wife
Elsie. Dr. Irv was not just a gift from the Lord but he used his gifts the Lord gave him to
the fullest to bless my life and soo many others I’ve met. I look forward to seeing him in
heaven someday and thanking him again. - Mark Mooney
I was a young man studying for ministry and preparing for marriage ... and living in
compromise, viewing pornography on a regular basis. My wife-to-be told me that I
needed to change if we were to get married. The Lord provided that change in my life
through the National Coalition for Purity and a mentorship by Irv Woolf. Through NCFP I
found men who took Scripture, Gospel friendships and accountability seriously - a tough
love - and shaped me into a man who has sought to worship and lead in purity; to be a
safe pastor who considers women as sisters, not objects. I believe I have many of the
authentic friendships and the ministry I do in part because of the work that happened
through this ministry. I am forever grateful for the tough but tender friendship and
example of our “Sarge,” Irv Woolf. - Steve Douglas
From 1995 to 2006 I was blessed to be a part of the body of Christ that Pastor Irv
served at Crystal Evangelical Free Church, first as Counselor and Family Pastor, as
leader of Men’s Ministry and then finally as “Sarge”, leader of Everyman’s Battle for
Purity. In these roles he first ministered to my deep father wound, helped me discover
my identity and freedom in Christ and finally helped lead me to overcome my bondage
to sexual immorality through participation in the purity boot camp and “purity platoons”.
Without Sarge, and my band of brothers, I would never have developed the necessary
discipline to grow spiritually or have the courage to step out of the darkness and into the
light and confess my sin. I am eternally grateful for his for devotion to Jesus and his
passion for the purity of the Bride of Christ. - Kalvin Dahl
According to camp records, Irv and Elsie’s connection to Camp Lebanon dates back to
2005 when they joined us for a Memorial Weekend Family Camp. On staff with New
Hope Church at the time, Irv played a big role in encouraging a number of the church
families to sign up. They were back the next year, too, and then in 2008 made the big
switch to Labor Day Weekend. They’ve been regulars ever since, joined off and on by
their children’s families. Irv and Elsie have been more to Camp Lebanon than merely
regular family camp attendees. Indeed, they are the best kind of friends a camp could
ever pray for. They come as happy campers. They give as monthly supporters. And
they pray as regular partners. On a personal note, I’ve also leaned on their professional
skills as Christian counselors, both for ministry and life issues. - Bill Abeler